7 Tips to Increase Interview Success

7 Essential Tips to Increase your Interview Success

Do you have an interview coming up that you’re scrambling to prepare for?

Unsure of what to do during interviews?

Being nervous before job interviews is absolutely normal! This simply conveys the level of care you have in securing the role. However, it is just as important to know how you can control your behaviour and emotions and transform it into a successful performance.

At onpoint365 Recruitment, we specialise in collating and preparing successful candidates to fulfil a wide range of roles. Our recruiters have compiled 7 Essential Tips to Increase your Interview Success to help you feel confident with your upcoming interviews.


Be Confident!

Yes, you may be nervous, and as we said, that’s totally fine! However, try to remember that this nervous energy is simply excitement. Show the interviewer how excited you are for the role and convey the confidence you have in your experience and skills. Confidence is key, and employers want to hire someone that believes in their abilities.

Talk about their organisation

Yes, you may be job hunting and have possibly applied for many different roles. However, still make the effort to learn about the organization, its mission, and their team and be vocal about how you can fit right into that! Employers will prefer hiring someone that wants to be at work rather than just the most skilled person.

Prepare your answers for commonly asked interview questions

Nothing feels worse than being asked a question you weren’t prepared for and not being able to articulate an answer. The pressure, the scrambling in your mind, the forgetfulness you might feel… To avoid this, we highly recommend that you practice answers to commonly asked interview questions and questions you anticipate. This will help you build a foundation for your answers during the interview and help you sound more confident. We have prepared a list of 6 questions already to help you get started!

Include your research about the role

Employers love it when you have gone out of your way to fully understand their organisation and the role you will play. Try to occasionally hint that you know the organisation’s work well and how it relates to your skills and interests. Along with this, the employer may love to hear that you have done prior research that could assist their efforts.

Relate it to your professional skills

Don’t forget to mention your professional skills and how your skills will benefit the role and the organisation. Make sure to mention the relevant skills to the role and those of interest to the employer.

Relate the role/organisation to your long-term career goals

If this is the role you see yourself in long-term, express your long-term goals and what you wish to accomplish while in this position or organization. Demonstrate how excited you are to be a part of the organisation.

Be on time!

Ensure that you are punctual, presentable, and personable. Employers want to hire someone reliable and approachable. We recommend that you plan to get there 20 minutes beforehand and are aware of the parking and traffic situations you may come across. Don’t be afraid to email the employer to clarify these details. When you’re ready for the interview, head to the reception 10 -15 minutes early so that you remain punctual.



Keeping all these tips in mind, we hope you feel more confident about facing your next interview. If you are on the job hunt, we have tons of rewarding opportunities. We invite you to scroll through our various opportunities on our website, contact us via email at jobs@onpoint365.com.au or call us on 1300 111 365.